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Find Your Wings, Fly in 2025

As the New Year approaches--How would you like a completely 'new to you' way to tune in, to align with the possibilities that await you in 2025?

What might it feel like to begin the year empowered with what's possible?

Did you realize that most New Years Resolutions are based on what you perceive to be 'wrong' about you? You tend to look at the things that you believe need to be fixed, repaired, changed, retrained or abolished so you can be happy or successful. Did you notice that most of those choices or resolutions have to do with external parameters or measurements?

I wonder sometimes, how much of those external parameters or measurements are actually yours? How much of what you believe will bring you success, contentment, happiness etc. is actually the result of societal influences, familial choices and judgements, and your inner dialogue on how to 'fit in', how to 'be successful', how to be 'popular'?

You may already have discovered that when you attempt to change the external without paying attention to the internal - most of these resolutions end up in the Myst's of 'should have - could have' by mid February.

Rather than laboring over a list of resolutions that are actually energetically limiting - 'should' do this, 'could do this' 'ought to do this' --- what might it feel like to swap from resolutions into a new view point - Revelations??

What might it look like if you leaned into a 'new to you' way of tuning in, aligning to the Possibilities that are within your Own Tru-Knowing?

Read on to find out how.

As many of you know, as a Shamanista, and Holistic Practitioner for decades, the Realms of the Power Animals have always fascinated me, and after three decades of exploration, I often feel as if I've only scratched the surface of what is possible. I am often amazed, touched, and inspired by how much these Sacred Guides offer, as we work with them.

As with most things metaphysical, for you to explore these realms, you need to work with the energies of allowance, imagination and curiosity.

Each month, I guide those of you called, through a mini teaching circle and journey, to meet the Power Animal that steps forth as Teacher, Guide, Wise One and Counsellor for the New Moon Period that follows.

This month, the Power Animal that has stepped forth is ideal for working with the energies of the

'New Year' and aligning with the energies that are possible for each one of us.

The Power Animal that Guides us this New Moon Dec 30th to Jan 28th is

The Phoenix

Release & Revelation Magic & Inventiveness

Phoenix represents the ability to simultaneously release (old patterns of belief or compliance that no longer serve us) and Reveal (the new patterns or opportunities waiting in the wings as it were).

Phoenix works well with the new moon energies in Capricorn: which are elements of discipline, pragmatism and level headedness - coupled with Bursts of Motivation.

Add to this Phoenix's ability to tune into Unlimited Potential and Resources, as well as the ability to learn from your past, and look forward to building something in your future, and you are well equipped to move forward!

We are also shown intuitively that it is time to Dare to Dream BIG - and then be open, in curiosity about the many small steps that will show up to guide you into the bigger pictures.

Try this simple yet powerful exercise;

As with all Energetic Practices, I recommend setting the intention to be in Sacred Space, you may visualize yourself within an illuminated pillar of light for example, you may simply call in those who already surround and infuse you with Love and Support from across the Realms.

When this feels complete, ask yourself these three questions:

What am I leaving behind in 2024?

What am I bringing into 2025?

What opportunities in 2025 are ready to be explored?

Simply write the answers as they present, suspending the parts of you that immediately point out why they won't/can't/aren't happening.

Then, still enveloped in Sacred Space, simply intend to call upon the Phoenix, see - sense - or imagine in a way that has meaning for you - a most magnificent Phoenix appearing in front of you.

While in the presence of this Wise Guide and Counsellor, ask the three questions again, and see - sense - imagine Phoenix's contribution to the answers

Write the answers as they present.

Compare the two list's, are they similar? Completely different? Surprising?

When we 'lean' into the non ordinary supports and Wise Counsel of the Power Animals, we receive their talents, strengths and Gifts, to empower and expand our own. As with all Higher Energy Beings, their counsel or advice only adds to Who We Are and Who We Are Becoming, and always appears in the form of 'offering' information that you are free to accept or disregard.

What I wonder, will your 2025 look like, after consulting with this Wise and Powerful Guide?

Feel free to take this exploration with you into the New Year, and continue to ask questions and 'see' that comes forth.



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