Upon this Aquarius New Moon; The energies conspire to support us as we shed that which no longer serves, and reveal that which is here to be seen and known from the Realms of Support within and all around us.
The Energies of the Aquarius New Moon revolve around Aquarius as the Sign of the Healer, and the Power Animal that has stepped forth ( or slithered as the case may be---) has long been recognized cross culturally as a Symbol of Healing.
The Power Animal that has come forth to work with you on this Aquarius New Moon is

The Potency of this Power Animal combined with its Wisdoms as an Ancient Truth Keeper - means that it will show up for you in exactly the right ways that work with who you have been up til now, who you are becoming, and who you wish to be from a Soul deep level.
Snake represents the simultaneous ability to 'shed' the 'skins' which represent the thoughts, patterns, beliefs of and about yourself that no longer fit or serve your higher good - coupled with the ability to reveal the new possibilities and inspirations that lie just below what has been shed.
It is a law of Spiritual Growth, that as you garner the courage to quietly look at what no longer serves, Snake Medicine accompanies you, so that your vision may be clear and compassionate.
Calling upon Snake as you sit in self reflection, empowers you to have an open mind, to explore possibilities and staying open to fresh inspirations. This capacity ties in beautifully with the energies of this New Moon which is to follow the urge for a 'better future' and to begin to listen to the promptings of your Internal Genius.
Snake Medicine also carries the Wisdoms of the Divine Feminine, and the Sacred Mysteries.
Allow yourself the Gift of Curiosity, as you ask Snake to reveal to you, that which is ready to be known by the current version of Who You Be.
I share with you now, an energetic technique to assist with this revelation:
Draw on a piece of paper, two snakes side by side.
On the First snake, write the words that represent what you would like to shed or release
Allow yourself to simply rest your gaze upon the second snakes outline, and 'imagine' thoughts or phrases bubbling up into your awareness, and as they do, write down the words, whispers or images that present. This is not a 'figure it out' energetic practice, it is a 'listening practice'.
Simply focusing upon the image of the snake, and with curiosity allowing the images or words that wish to be entered upon the second snake is all that is required.
Write what comes up, no need to figure it out.
When it feels complete, allow yourself to take a deeper look at how the two images work together - shed and release, with revelation and inspiration.
You might be surprised by what comes up------
I am shown that this energetic practice may be one to enjoy several times throughout this month.
It does not escape my attention that the Chinese New Year is today, and the 'Power Animal' for this tradition is the Wood Snake. I love when Divine Synchronicity ties together Wisdoms across cultures and traditions. Let us explore then, with the Wisdom and Willingness of Snake, all that wishes to be released, and all that wishes to be revealed!
Blessed Be.