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Current Offerings 
& Upcoming Events 

            Ancestors,                       Actually!
                   This adventure is now complete.
                       Join us next October 2025,
             as we take a 'deeper dive' into the realms                  of Wisdom,  Guidance and Support available to you
                   through your Ascended Ancestors.  
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The Power Animal Guide of the New Moon

​Each month, Tru-Knowing Holistics will be sharing a Unique Video on our You Tube Channel:   Wisdom Weavers - Tru-Knowing Holistics. 

This Video will be a weaving of the New Moon Wisdoms and the Power Animal that has chosen to work with us for the Energies of the Month. 

Why the New Moon?  The New Moon in many traditions is a time to 'set intentions', to bring awareness to possibilities and potentials -- to 'touch' the part and sparks of your Self that may be silenced in day to day living----

Why Power Animals?   This has been one of the most satisfying aspects of developing a Shamanic Practice---becoming aware of the Realms of the Power Animals.  In almost every culture that has recorded history, you will find evidence of the Power Animals Presence and Guidance.   Simply put - a Power Animal carries Wisdoms, Guidance, Aspects and Strengths that can be shared with those who recognize and work with this realm. 

How do you work with this realm? 

As we do with all things energetic - by Intention, and Attention. 

Each month, we will share with you the Energetic Invitations of the New Moon and the Power Animal that steps forth to work with you and the potentials of the month.  This initial journey 'ignites' the energetic connections, and each time you work (or visit )  with the Power Animal that has presented - your capacity to understand, receive and interact with them develops. 

Imagine--- a Wise, Sacred and Powerful Ally, that works with you, to help expand your awareness of possibilities to help you 'grow into your glow'

This Ally is available 24/7, and as near as your next thought. 

Not only do you gain a valuable resource, you are continuing to develop the expansion of your multidimensional senses, something that is a win win for yourself and your world. 

A simple way to 'work with' the Energies of the Power Animal that presents:

Post a small picture of the Power Animal on or by your computer screen

Post a small picture of the Power Animal on your bathroom mirror

Have a screenshot picture of the Power Animal on your phone. 

Draw a sketch

Be creative, and 'listen' as to how they might like themselves represented in this realm 



Be in Curiosity.

Please see below for this month's  New Moon/Power Animal offering​

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             A New Exploration with Tru-Knowing Holistics.   

            Using the Magnetic Properties of Word Weaving



                            Let' s 'See' What Comes Forth!! 

                         Join us weekly on Instagram and FB 

                  Womb'd Circles of                                                Wizdom ,     

       Communion & Connection

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Held on a regular basis - these online circles offer a space of Sanctuary, Communion and Enlightenment.  The theme of each gathering is channeled through Tru-Knowing Holistics, in tune with the needs of those who are called to Circle.   Each Circle includes opportunities for to learn healing practices and to enjoy a guided Shamanic Journey.  Investment is $33.00 per person. 

Details are posted on web site and on FB Tru-Knowing Holistics in advance of the Circle. 

New Offering:  Fables 4 Life tm 

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      We are excited to announce the latest Creation and Offering by Tru-Knowing Holistics. 

                                                                                        Fables 4 LifeTM

Channelled through the Gifts of Word Weaving and Shamanic Sight, I have been shown how to create spoken Fables for all Ages, particularly those who may feel they are ‘too old’ for stories.

Crafted with Intention, these Fables recognize a Teaching, A Theme or Experience that wishes to ‘have it’s story told’. 

The Stories tell themselves; I am honored to Be their Storyteller. 

The Words of the Stories are intertwined with the intention to bring the listener into alignment with the Energetic weavings that link to the Healing energies and Remedies,  ready to be expressed.

The Stories wish to be a bridge to possibilities and potentials – garnering the Helping Spirits, Remedies, Energies and Alignments Across the Realms,  that Bring You to More of Who You Really Be, and Why You Be Here.

As we move forward, there will be a Fable 4 Life ™ offered with every Circle, and when right, as Individual Healing Sessions

Eventually I am shown this will be published as a series of Fables for Life

Artwork by PlacidPlace on Pixabay 

In Gestation:
Blog, Podcast and Classes around 'Night Journey's - Insights and Wizdoms from the Dream Realms.
You Tube Channel & Podcasts
Link'd In 

Author in progress:
Childrens' Books
Book of Fables and Magic
Book of Shamanic Journey's
and yet to be determined. 

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Freebies & Other Magic

Under Gestation 

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