Well, it has been a while—--as some of you will know, I've been busy exploring the world of creating Video Content on You Tube and FB for Tru-Knowing Holistics.
I've posted the New Moon Solar Eclipse Power Animal presentation for October on FB, the Tru-Knowing Website and shortly on You Tube
(You Tube - 'Wisdom Weavers - Tru-Knowing Holistic)
(Facebook - 'Tru-Knowing Holistics')
As revealed during Journey: The Power Animal that steps forth to assist us this month is BAT.

For those of you who are new to these Works and Idea's, there is a video on Wisdom Weaver - Tru-Knowing Holistics You Tube, that captures info on how to work with your Power Animals - Coles notes - have pictures around, spend time in quiet contemplation around how the strength's or wisdoms of a Power Animal are here to help you, call upon the Power Animal specifically for help around situations or scenarios in your life)
I discovered there was a lot that Bat represented, and not all of it could be or would be captured on the Video's.
So here goes:
I'm always in awe when I see how seamlessly 'coincidence' occurs ( heard a quote somewhere that coincidences were the Universes way of staying anonymous) - after becoming aware of who the Power Animal is for October, I find posts on FB referencing Teachers Month and their focus is 'The Bat'; and FB posts around the lunar cycles and referencing the presence of Bat.
I also love working within the Realms of the Power Animals, and finding the synchronicity, between what our lives are experiencing - the lunar cycles - the opportunities and evolutions happening, and the Power Animal that shows up who carries EXACTLY the qualities needed to assist us!
For example: This New Moon in Libra offers opportunities to transform relationships - both with oneself and with all other forms of interaction - work/friends/family/nature etc. This can be as simple as having a conversation with yourself or someone else that you've been putting off. It might be taking the time to look at the relationship you have with food, quiet reflective time, creative endeavors, or exercise. It might be looking at which relationships might need more (or less) of your time. The themes of Connection, Communication and Integration are also in the forefront—
NOW add in the knowledge that BAT as a Power Animal represents the ability to let go of habits and attachments that no longer serve; to welcome in changes that are long overdue; helps to confront/reframe what frightens or upsets you.
As if that wasn't enough of a boost --- Bat also assists in releasing anxiety or fear, especially when you don't know why you feel frightened or upset.

AND it keeps getting better!!
Bat represents Extraordinary Sight & Navigation—with the ability to navigate beyond boundaries into new landscapes. Who Better then, to guide you into new ways of seeing 'old situations' and 'landing' into a new perspective?

Bat explores confidently, and can see what is hidden—---can you see how this would be a strength and benefit to you, as you 'explore' your habits and hidden desires or dreams?
Because Bat works to calm anxiety and fear, you can connect with the reservoir of courage and curiosity that reside below the echoes of emotion.

And the Gifts of Bat Guidance continue:
Bat Energies work around the Mysteries of Rebirth & Renewal; The Shamanic Arts and Practices (it may interest you to know that Bat was one of the first Power Animals I 'met' as I learned how to Journey, and continues to 'show up' as a Wayfinder)
Bat also represents Sociability (think of the Bat Colonies that can be composed of hundreds of Bats - all living together in apparent harmony)
Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of Bat Medicine, is their ability to help us understand and interpret our dreams - working with the Dream Ancestors as well --(for more details about that, consider joining us for our Ancestors Actually Workshop for October, during which we will learn more about Dream Ancestors!)
Soooo - seems pretty apparent why Bat shows up as the Power Animal for the New Moon and accompanies us through the energies of October, a time to become increasingly aware of Where we Come From, Where We Are, and Where we're going to.
Much Love
Marianne and TKH
