What We Do
Akashic Records
Shamanic Healing Sessions
Womb Healing
Guides, Guardians and Other Helpful Beings
Word Weaver
Akashic Record Reading
The Akashic Records are a “database” that contains the information about each soul and its journey, throughout all of its lifetimes.
The information in the Akashic Records is contained in the Universal Mind, or in a dimension of Divine Universal Consciousness.
“The Records are an experiential body of knowledge that contains everything that every soul has ever thought, said, and done over the course of its existence, as well as all its future possibilities.” (Linda Howe)
Akashic Records Certified Healing Practitioner
Akashic Records Advanced Practitioner Certification
Akashic Records Certified Practitioner – Manifesting Your Destiny
Akashic Records Certified Practioner – Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose
Dr Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies.
Fee Session: $111.11
Session Length: One hour
Available by Zoom or Phone
Shamanic Healing Sessions
As An Advanced Shamanic Practitioner for over a decade, and a Holistic Practitioner since 1993 - I have crafted a Unique Blending of Shamanic Journey, Intuitive Insights and Healing Practices that assist you in becoming 'more of who you are here to Be'
Learn who is here to support you from across the Realms
Let me help you connect with the Insights, Strengths, Wisdoms and Guidance that is available through this process.
With any of the Services and Sessions that Tru-Knowing Holistic provides, it is quite common for a Power Animal to make itself known during the sessions, which is both an Honor and a Gift to all participants.
Fee Session: $211.00
Session Length: 1.5 - 2 htd
Available through Zoom
Womb Healing
As I have journeyed down the many paths of developing my Holistic Practice, I became aware that the Gift of Being born a Womb'an (a Wombed one) is one that carries Wisdom, Mystery, Insight and Guidance, when we learn to tune in.
I have over the years, developed Circles for Womb'en that Empower, Enlighten, and Educate.
Available as Individual or Group Healing Circles
We Embody The Maiden, Mother and Crone Archetypes
She who is yet to have her first bleed, or one who is in the early years of her cycles - during this stage, the focus is on experiencing life
The energies of Gestation and Creation, including if in your Soul Path; pregnancy and birth. - Know that irrespective of whether you have birthed a child from your body, the Energies of Gestation and Creation are interwoven with all that you do. Focus is upon 'What do I wish to gestate or create)
The energies of expansion, wisdom, moving beyond what was thought possible, entertaining new perceptions, enhanced ability to embody your Maiden and Mother qualities. Focus is on 'What is the legacy of my being?
Session Fee:
Individual Session: $121.11
Group Fee: minimum of 4 participants at $33.11 per person
Session Length: One hour
Available by Zoom
Guides, Guardians and Other Helpful Beings
What a Wonderful World We Live in!
We have access to Guidance, Support, Love, Inspiration and sometimes no nonsense redirecting from across the Realms of Non-Ordinary Reality
Connecting with your Guides, Guardians and Helping Spirits, we bring forth the Insights and Messages they wish to share with you. Information can come forth from many Sources, not the least of which are the Realms of the Ancestors, Power Animals, Higher and Future Self's, Body Being, and Womb Wizdom's.
While I communicate with those from across the Realms, my strongest communions are with the Realms of the Ancestors and of the Power Animals.
While it is true, that there is Ancestral 'woundings' in your lineage, there are also strengths, wisdoms, and Guidance waiting for you
Remember too, that your Ancestral Lineage is not 'just' the lineage you have been born into this lifetime, but from all the lifetimes you have lived. What a powerful web of connection and possibility to explore!!
With a keen interest in the Realms of the Power Animals, it is one of my Joy's to connect people with the Power Animals that are here to support, enlighten and care for you, sharing their Strength's and Wisdoms - be it for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Let yourself receive the powerful Blessings of working with the Power Animal(s) that are stepping forth for you.
We also work with Sacred Geometry, channeled by Tru-Knowing Holistics, that allows you to Tune In, and access the Insights and Gifts from those who step forth to Guide, Love and Support You.
With any of the sessions available through Tru-Knowing Holistics--- the Guides and Guardians from across the Realms--- that are working with you, will present themselves. You will be shown their Gifts, Teachings and Blessings.
Word Weavings
Words carry Intention, Energetic Activations, and Power.
They bring forth Potentials from the Unseen Realms of Insight and Support.
As a Word Weaver, I work with the Power, Energies and Possibilities that Word Weaving Brings into Being.
Let me create Unique and Potent Word Weavings that serve as Blessings, Invokations, Prayers and Poems - All of whom are crafted with and through the Energies and Potentials that wish to be expressed to and through you.
Available for all of Life's Major Gateways and Experiences - for example;
Pregnancy, Birth, Newborn, Postpartum, Menarche, Menopause, Moving, New Home, New Relationships, All Ages and Life experiences.
Word Weavings are crafted for 'what is', 'what is becoming' , 'what wishes to be released or revealed' and 'what is desired' They act as potent invokations and activations. They assist you in navigating the currents of your life, feeling supported, inspired, 'in tune with your own Tru -Knowing'
Are you ready to Grow into your Glow?
Investment: $92.00
Session Length: One hour
Available by Zoom
In Gestation
In gestation:
A Wide Variety of Recorded Journey's and Healing Practices, garnered during decades of practice and exploration.
Author in progress - Children's books, Autobiography - 'Adventures of a Suburban Shamanista ', and a 'taster' book of Healing Awareness's and Practices.