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Connections and Culpability

Connections and Culpability

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Imbolc - Feb 1st always has me thinking of new beginnings, Spring's promise and a rekindling of hope that can sometimes go quiet during winter's hibernation

I've been thinking and pondering on connections and culpability for quite some time now.

So that we are aligned in the meanings of the words:

Connections are 'the action of linking one thing to another'

Culpability is the 'response-ability' for one's choices/actions

What are the connections that bring meaning, direction, empowerment and hope into my life?

How do I move into culpability that is compassion based, that moves and beyond patterns of condemnation, blame and dismay?

When I am faced with the inevitable challenges (initiations as Diana Cooper refers to them) that Be-in Human involves, what connections do I initiate through intention and attention?

What culpability can I generate that is compassionately curious, asking the potent questions that lift me above circumstance and prediction, into possibility and potential?

My Journey over the past two years has been at times intense, as I learn to navigate with a health issue that continues to challenge, illuminate, and inspire me.

I have learned what works and what doesn't

I have explored connections that served me in the past, only to find that some of them worked, and some of them did not---- such is the evolution of our consciousness, that what once satisfied our need for connection and support in ordinary and non ordinary reality, no longer 'fit's' or 'feel's' like it is 'big enough' to encompass current challenges or experiences.

I have been led, sometimes willingly, and sometimes dragged in the midst of resistance to connections that renewed and deep-ended (deepened), as well as releasing connections that had outgrown me, or I had outgrown, and finally began to develop awareness of connections that are 'new' to this time and space (but certainly not 'new' to my Higher and Future Self's'

I have shed layers of what I thought culpability meant - moving beyond societal, generational, personal and familial 'teaching' and indoctrination around taking response-ability for my choice. Rather than condemnation I have learned to inquire with kind compassion and curiosity - meeting the 'when' and 'what' of an event with the willingness to lean into the connections that serve to support, encourage and empower me. The moments that I spend in blame, shame or impotence are shorter and shorter as a result. The capacity I have developed for self awareness with curiosity and compassion has expanded to becoming my 'first choice/reaction' most of the time. I believe this also enables me to meet other's in the midst of their challenges with empathy, en 'courage' ment and possibility

What I also know to be true---when we expand our willingness to Be with OurSelves in a compassionate, connected and curious way---we expand our receptivity to the Guidance, Love and Support that exists across the realms for us and ours.

Yet again, in the evolution of my personal consciousness, it expands my capacity to receive Tru-Knowing Holistics Guidance and inspiration

To that end, I share what I have realized (real eyes) in the hope that it serves you, the reader, in aligning through attention and intention - those connections and culpabilities that empower and activate hope within you.


Future and Higher Self's

Dragons, Unicorns, and Possibility

Divine Self and Healing Intelligence

Surrender: ironically this is a connection that required the 'most' of my time, attention and energy Surrender: defined as releasing resistance.

Real life: stop 'fighting' what shows up, resisting what is in front of you to be seen, using prayer/affirmations as a subtle form of rejection

It took awhile for me to see that the 'reflexive' response of prayer/affirmation/relentless optimism that is actually fear based, does not serve me well. I have taken the time to 'tune in' to my feelings, and what need for connection they represent, allowing them to be the messengers they are meant to be, rather than the 'enemy' to be abolished. When I do this, when I 'sit with' myself -- and lean into the breath and calling in those who are here to support me in this moment for my highest and best, THEN the words, invokations, empowering prayers invitations and allowances flow from a place of Higher Energies, and potentials.

I have leaned into surrender in ways I never imagined possible, and in the doing aligned with courage and willingness that I didn't know existed. Such is the oxymoron of surrendering.

Higher and Future Selves

A while ago, I read about the concept that as multidimensional beings, we have more than 'one' Higher Self, all of whom are in 'service' to the Highest and Brightest version of Being that we are here to BE. We are 'one' with all the realms of our Being, and as such have access to the Wisdoms Within all of these expressions of Who We Be In Truth.

In addition, we have the capacity to connect with our Future Self - the 'happily ascended and content' version, the Highest and Best Self possible

Imagine that----- by intention and attention, ask-in (asking) our Higher and Future Self's to share their companionship, communion, wisdoms and insights --helping us to make the connections in consciousness that moves us forward with compassionate curiosity (my new favorite word weaving) Try it, you might (in fact feel bold enough to say you will) be surprisingly satisfid by the results. Allow them to share the 'connections' that most support Highest and Best in this moment.

Dragons, Unicorns and Other Magic - Oh My!!!

As I navigated the initiations and teachings involved in becoming a Shamanic Practitioner, I was delighted to learn about the Realms of the Power Animals. This is a A Cross cultural awareness that there are Realms of Potency and Power represented by Animals. A Power Animal is an Energetic Representation of the Strengths, Wisdoms, Guidance and Insights carried within the Divine Design and Highest Evolution of any animal across the realms, and These Truths are joyfully shared with you when asked (ask in)

Our child selves have no hesitancy or doubt around the Gifts of the Dragons and Unicorns, one needn't look very far to find scores of books, and tarot cards about these realms.

One of the Truth's I was delighted to be shown, is that we all have 'primary' Dragon and Unicorn Guides - and all it takes to 'connect' is your intention. For some, this is all it will take to feel/sense or connect in a way that has meaning for you. For others, it may be leaning into the books or tarot cards (or me - grinning) to expand your zone of awareness and engagement. Have fun with this, the Power Animals certainly do!!! For example, when your thinking is 'stinking' Skunk may show up to remind you to 'change your focus from what's wrong into what's here to help me--

Long an interest of mine - over the years I have developed the Gift of being able to look at a situation, person or symptom, and be able to 'tune into' the Power Animal who is stepping forth to share their wisdom and potency. Connecting with this realm requires only your intention and curiosity. Will you allow yourself to 'reconnect' with the Guidance, Support, Love and Kindness that radiates from this Realm? Will you encourage those who from within this realm, await your invitation through attention and intention? One of the potencies of this 'connection' is being reminded through the traits or strengths that a Power Animal Embodies, that we too 'carry' those energetic signatures within, and can call them forth For example: Dolphin can share with us the uncomplicated Joyof Living, Eagle can show us how to 'soar' above a situation to see new vantage points, Eel can show us how to flow and freely move through our emotions

Finally - and perhaps the most potent connection of all - remembering you are Divine. You are the Love and the Light of the Universe expressing as you-------You came into this lifetime via the Realm of Choice, choosing the situations and scenarios' that would allow you to grow in Soul Consciousness and Wisdom. Implicit within the choice are solutions or as I prefer to say Soul-utions, AND the capacity to move through these 'initiations' successfully.

It does however require that you delete/surrender/let go of what you 'think' successful navigation looks like. Sometimes success is not the eradication of a situation but rather the development of Soul Characteristics that aid you in it's navigation, thus enriching you and those with you.

Calling in the Divine Design, Divine Blueprint ,Original Intent, by whatever name you feel called to identify it as, ---Calling upon and calling in your Divine Design is a potent connection to 're-member' the Soul-utions and opportunities within the Wisdom You Be. Complete within this Divine Design is Divine Healing Intelligence, a potency of knowledge about what is your Highest and Best in each and every moment, independent on 'circumstance' and your judgements/conclusions.

By invoking Divine Design and Divine Healing Intelligence, you make the connections that move you beyond cause and effect, into choice

Anytime you make a choice to invoke/invite the energies that focus on 'Healing' 'Connection' 'Seeing the Wisdom within this' 'Accepting the offer to Grow into your Glow' - and be willing to surrender what that might look or feel like - you have stepped into the Illumination of the moment. Rest here dear one, and receive the Gifts of the Present Moment, complete as it is.

I have been led, sometimes willingly, and sometimes dragged in the midst of resistance to connections that renewed and deep-ended (deepened), as well as releasing connections that had outgrown me, o

Yet again, in the evolution of my personal consciousness, it expands my capacity to receive Tru-Knowing Holistics Guidance and inspiration --which allows me to share with you-------which allows me to share with you------which allows me to share with you-----which allows me to share with you----which allows me to share with you---which allows me to share with you--which allows me to share with yo--which allows me to share with y--which allows me to share with --which allows me to share with--which allows me to share wit--which allows me to share wi--which allows me to share w--which allows me to share --which allows me to share--which allows me to shar--which allows me to sha--which allows me to sh--which allows me to s--which allows me to --which allows me to--which allows me t--which allows me --which allows me--which allows m--which allows --which allows--which allow--which allo--which all--which al--which a--which --which--whic-ch allows me to share with you------whi --wh --w -- -rination around taking response-ability for my choice. Rather than condemnation I have learned to inquire with kind compassion and curiosity - meeting the 'when' and 'what' of an event with the willingness to lean into the connections that serve to support, encourage and empower me. The moments that I spend in blame, shame or impotence are shorter and shorter as a result. The capacity I have developed for self awareness with curiosity and compassion has expanded to becoming my 'first choice/reaction' most of the time. I believe this also enables me to meet other's in the midst of their challenges with empathy, en 'courage' ment and possibilitynd possibilityd possibility possibilitypossibilityossibilityssibilitysibilityibilitybilityilitylityityty

Much Love


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